Online signup underway PHIL HOUSEAL, DIRECTOR, KERRVILLE ISD, 830-257-2218
Lifelong learners can soon begin signing up for their favorite Club Ed classes, as 70,000 64-page catalogs arrive in mailboxes throughout the Texas Hill Country this week (Aug 3-14).
Club Ed, the Kerrville Independent School District's Community Education program - offers hundreds of courses held in local communities and offered online from the convenience of home. Areas cover computers, travel, recreation, cooking, art, self-improvement, business, training and much more.
Among the new offerings this fall are Canning, Cooking Italian, Candle Making, Teaching art to a child, Horsemanship, Social Networking, Kindle, Hypnosis, Wine Appreciation, and Storytelling.
Local flintknapper Jim Morris is bringing in Woody Blackwell, the best-known flintknapper in the U.S. to teach a one-day workshop. Kurt Shirer will teach how to build and play a washtub bass.
Travel guide Ardie Dixon is hosting trips to a Holiday Night Out in Fredericksburg, and to the San Antonio Holiday River Lighting Parade. Travelers can also sign up for trips to the South Pacific, Bavaria, New England, or the Canadian Rockies.
Popular returning courses include Welding, Web Design, Coaching, Spanish, Writing, Dog Obedience, Travel for Free, a complete set of gardening how-to's, and all types of dance.
Those not wanting to wait for the catalog to arrive can sign up online now at www.clubed.net.
Complete information and registration is also available by calling 830-895-4386, or by visiting the Auld Center, 1121 Second Street, Kerrville. Weekly articles appear at clubedcomments.blogspot.com.
Link to article in Kerrville Daily Times: