June 2008
(OK... in some circles it is referred to as "table tennis." But we who learned the game in basements and driveways still use its onomatopoetic moniker.)
If you have a ping pong table, chances are it's covered in laundry or power tools. Anthony Coden wants to bring back the days when we actually played with paddles and celluloid balls as sport and relaxation. He is offering a free class this fall called Ping Pong Hero!
Why ping pong?
"It was fun to play; it was something we did in the summers," said Coden, who challenged the neighborhood kids when he was growing up in Bordeaux, France. "It was just a social thing, but we always enjoyed it."
Coden is trying to drum up a group of people who would like to gather round the table again just for the camaraderie. Skill level is not important. In fact, if you are Olympic caliber, this class is not for you.
"Ping pong can be played at many levels," he pointed out. "It can be fun or you can make it very serious. I like that about it: you can make it as hard as you like."
Coden, who admitted he won some tournaments as a young man, insists he does not compete at the expert level. But he is "good enough" that he often plays left-handed just to make it more challenging.
His main joy comes from teaching others to enjoy the game more. His goal is to let people get whatever they want out of it, whether they want to acquire more skills or just have fun.
"I just want to get people out and to play," Coden said. "The ideal is to create a network of people who like it and want to get together and create events."
It seems that all sports wax and wane in popularity. A few years ago it was golf that was hot, then tennis. So does Coden think ping pong is the next big thing?
He shrugged.
"I don't know," he said. "I have seen some tables around town. But," he added, "I don't see them being used."
I guess he doesn't consider folding laundry as "use."
You can call Anthony Coden at 896-6397.
Club Ed is the Community Education program of the Kerrville Independent School District. Each year, we offer more than 400 classes with 3000 enrollments. Summer kids camps are now underway. The fall session begins in September. To sign up, ask a question, suggest a class, or apply to teach, call 830-895-4386 or visit www.clubed.net.
(First published in the Community Journal, Kerrville TX - Jun, 2008)
1 comment:
Amazingly... this class has filled and continues to attract ping pongers! Apparently you DO remember Ping Pong!
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