by Phil Houseal as published in the Kerrville TX Community Journal & Boerne TX Hill Country Weekly
Nov 11, 2009
Karen Dampeer wants everyone to feel what she felt the first time she straddled her Yamaha Stratoliner 1900cc motorcycle.
“I got hooked,” said the Boerne resident. “Since I started riding, I dress the way I want, and I’m always ready to ride when I want.”
Dampeer, who works as a financial planner by day, racked up 12,000 miles the first year she had her bike. One of her trips was a solo journey to Colorado Spring. She made many impressions along the way. “Women came out of diners, amazed that I was traveling this way. It meant different things to different people, but to most it was liberating to see someone doing something like that.”
Dampeer and Robert Allen are the Rider Coaches, teaching the new Course for Motorcycle Riders being offered every weekend through Club Ed in Kerrville. The course is sanctioned by the Department of Public Safety, and qualifies new riders for the Class M endorsement, along with reducing insurance premiums.
Bob Kee, owner of Destination:Cyclesports, provided six Suzuki 250 bikes when saw the need for safety training in the Hill Country.
“We see guys returning to this sport thinking that riding a motorcycle is like riding a bicycle - you never forget. But 25 years off the machine, plus the change in physical conditioning, results in overconfidence. Offering this course in the Hill Country means a better chance of preventing future accidents.”
In the basic course, students learn how to operate a motorcycle, the best protective clothing to wear, how to avoid and react to dangerous situations. By the end of the course, riders will have skills at the two-year rider level.
“The course is user friendly and a safe place to ride and learn,” Dampeer said. “We go step by step, and don’t ask you to do anything we haven’t prepared you for. There is a gradually building up of experience. Anyone can pass the course and build their confidence.”
At the same time, the course is not easy. In fact, Dampeer calls it “strenuous.”
“It is not hard, it just takes different muscles than you are used to using.”
Still, they have trained riders from as young as 15 on up to 79 years old. In the past few years they are seeing more and more women taking their seats at the front of the saddle.
What is the appeal? Romance? Rebellion? Freedom? Thrills?
“It is all of those,” Dampeer said. “I like the sense of being outside and being part of the outdoors. All day, I work in an office, with tons of responsibility, and I’m a good citizen. But sometimes, I like putting aside my normal personality, taking off the mask, and being myself.”
Ride, Karen, ride.
Club Ed now offers the Basic Rider Course for Motorcycle Riders in Kerrville, at Peterson Middle School on Sidney Baker Street next to IHOP. A new class starts every weekend, between 8 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. Riders must register in advance by calling 830-895-4386, or by stopping by the Auld Center, 1121 Second Street, Kerrville TX 78028.
Club Ed is the Community Education program of the Kerrville Independent School District. Each year, we offer more than 400 classes throughout the Texas Hill Country, along with online courses, business and individual training, and after-school and summer camps. Comment online at clubedcomments.blogspot.com, or follow us on Twitter @clubedtx.
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