by Phil Houseal as published in the Kerrville TX Community Journal Jan 7, 2009
It is a new year, so here are some of the top tips we've gleaned this season from our community education teachers. May they help you navigate the months ahead!
Keep your knives sharp by not putting them in the dishwasher or silverware drawer, where they will bang against other utensils.
Dr. Tom Harris, Tool Sharpening
You only need to learn three things in order to draw: 1) How to represent the shape of things; 2) How to produce textures; 3) How to understand the difference in values.
Frank Sant'Agata, Drawing
Your web site design should be based on the content, not the other way around. Don't rely only on "branding." Branding is for cattle.
Christie Kitchens, Web Design
When flyfishing, a good cast should feel the same way a pitcher feels when he is pitching.
Mike Andrews, Fly Fishing
The best way to improve your writing is to write less. Remove unnecessary words, especially needless modifiers such as "very" and "nearly" and "really." Really!
Bobbie Christensen, Writing your First Book
Apple Cider Vinegar is not only good for plants, but for humans and animals as well. Use it:
for plants as a fungicide and miticide by adding two tablespoonfuls to a gallon of water for foliar spraying
for soil by adding one tablespoonful to a gallon of tap water to correct the pH balance of the soil
to detoxify harmful agents in human blood and organs by taking one teaspoonful daily in grape juice
to kill fleas and ticks on dogs by adding one teaspoonful to their drinking water
Harold Pieratt, Growing Roses
To make arrowheads more quickly, work slower. To finish a point, you must strike the flint 200-300 times. Any one blow can abort all your effort if done improperly.
Jim Morris, Flintknapping
The first step to singing better is learning how to recognize and control your "chest voice" versus your "head voice." Then it comes down to being able to match pitches.
Marsha McCoy, Singing for the Really, Really Scared
Toss those white elephants! The top tips to better organize your home: 1) have a place for every item in your house; 2) have a command center that is the place for every paper that comes into your home; 3) surround yourself only with things that bring you joy.
Laci Secor, Home Organizing
One inch of rain on a 6500-square-foot roof will produce 4000 gallons of water.
John Kight, Rainwater Harvesting
Most people kill plants by over watering.
Dr. Tom Harris, Gardening
Top three ways to travel free:
1) Maximize frequent flier miles using a credit card, so you can fly for free
2) Put together a small tour that will let you travel free
3) Earn a free cruise by putting together a class to teach aboard ship
Gina Henry-Cook, Travel for Free
The fastest way to learn to play piano, and the key to improvising on the piano, is to learn basic chords.
Craig Coffman, Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
Top reasons most small businesses fail: 1) lack of planning; 2) lack of experience; 3) under funding. Take time to develop a business plan before you start.
Lisa Hindley, How to Start a Small Business
If you're looking for an instrument to pursue as a hobby, start with the mountain dulcimer - it is easy to learn, and most songs are played in one key - usually D.
Jan Layman, Beginning Dulcimer
Like we like to say: Everything I know I learned in community education! Have a learning year!
Our Spring 2009 Club Ed catalog has been mailed and is also online! Visit www.clubed.net to sign up, or call 830-895-4386.
Club Ed is the Community Education program of the Kerrville Independent School District. Each year, we offer more than 400 classes throughout the Texas Hill Country, along with online courses, business and individual training, and after-school and summer camps. Comment online at clubedcomments.blogspot.com.
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